स्टॉक टारगेट

Rivian Stock Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2040

Today in this post I will show you Rivian Stock Price Prediction for the year 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2040 and 2050.

Also this forecasts are totally based on my research, which I got by analysing fundamentals, financials and many more stats of the company.

So this Rivian Stock Price Prediction 2025, 2027 or any other years will help you to make a descision whether to buy, hold or sell this stocks.

Now let’s predict the price.

Rivian Stock Price Prediction

This are my predictions for the following years and I think if you invest the stock for 5 years from now it will give 145.68% of profit.

Year Mid-Year Year-End % Increase
2024 $12.38 $15.28 +24.1%
2025 $17.25 $18.21 +39.42%
2026 $21.49 $22.98 +75.08%
2027 $23.56 $25.39 +97.40%
2028 $26.10 $28.07 +113.31%
2029 $30.37 $32.65 +145.68%
2030 $32.92 $33.60 +169.35%
2031 $34.31 $35.05 +183.29%
2032 $35.82 $36.63 +197.88%
2033 $36.49 $37.37 +202.43%
2034 $38.29 $39.26 +218.22%
2035 $40.28 $41.35 +235.98%
2040 $45.67 $47.42 +241.396%
2050 $66.42 $67.05 +338.809%

Rivian Stock Price Prediction 2024

Rivian share price was $21.10 at 2nd Jan 2024 and now it is $12.38. Approximately the investor got loss of 41.37% by this stock.

Now let’s keep it short and answer your query.

Is Rivian Stock going to grow in 2024?

My answer is yes, it will grow in 2024 by 24.1% that is the price will rise from $12.38 to $15.37.

Rivian Stock Price Prediction 2025

Rivian Stock Price for 2025 can varies in dollars. Why?

Because 2025 year could be a game changer for its investors. There are many financial reports which states that it will rise next year.

Now for me the price will rise from $17.25 to $18.21 next year.

Also take note it all based on my research so don’t follow this blindly.

Rivian Stock Price Prediction 2030

Lets come to the point what will be the condition of this stock in 2030. So it will range from 32$ to 33$.

The stock will grow by +169.35 till 2030. So if you are focusing future with this stock go for it.

Rivian Stock Price Prediction 2040

After almost 16 years the price will fluctuate!! According to some reports the stock is going to play between $45.67 to $47.42 in 2040.

Rivian Stock Price Prediction 2050

After almost 26 years the price will fluctuate!! According to some reports the stock is going to play between $66.42 to $67.05 in 2050.

Which is also a profit of +338.809% from now.

Company Overview

Rivian Automobiles is electric cars company founded in 2009. They also produce electric trucks and many automobiles.

Following are some company details you can follow for your research:

Share Holdings

Triveni Enginnering Stock Share Holdings

There is 61% Promoters and 25% Public holdings for this company.


Rivian Analysis Rating Buy Or Sell

This are experts analysis for this stock, now you can make decisions based on this.


Rivian's Revenue
Rivian's Stock Profit
Triveni Enginnering Stock Revenue Over Years

FAQ You May Ask Us

Should I Buy Rivian Stocks?

If you are focusing on long-term then go for it but if you are focusing on short term there is big no from me for Rivian.

Why Rivian Share Price is decreasing?

Every stock price depends on so many factors which can be company’s fundamentals, financials and market trends.

Are Rivian Shares are Overprices

According to me Rivian share price is normal now but when the first time the stock came in to market due to overhyped the stock prices increased rapidly but now it’s good and stable.


So those are my Rivian Stock Price Prediction for the year 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2040 and 2050.

And now I’d like to hear from you:

Are there forecast from yourside let me know.

Or maybe you have a question.

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A self-motivated and hard-working individual, I am currently engaged in the field of digital marketing to pursue my passion of writing and strategising. I have been awarded an MSc in Marketing and Strategy with Distinction by the University of Warwick with a special focus in Mobile Marketing. On the other hand, I have earned my undergraduate degrees in Liberal Education and Business Administration from FLAME University with a specialisation in Marketing and Psychology.

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