
Bradley’s Cemetery! New video shows dozens of US-origin M2A2s “resting in peace” in Ukraine » Today Latest Stories

A video recently posted on social media showed what appeared to be a graveyard of damaged Bradley infantry vehicles allegedly sent by Ukraine in its “failed” summer counteroffensive.

The video, posted on Platform X, shows about fifteen Bradley IFVs with varying levels of damage. The video was allegedly taken from a Ukrainian army vehicle parked behind the front line.

In the video, most of the vehicles that were the first to enter Russian positions to launch a long-awaited counterattack appear to have been shot down, while some are seen without turrets.

The United States pledged to supply Bradley IFVs to Ukraine in January this year and they were delivered a few months later in April.

When Ukraine launched its long-awaited counter-offensive operation against Russia in June, Bradley IFVs were the first to take a hit. As Ukraine’s counterattack unfolded, the world was stunned by visuals showing the destruction of several US-supplied Bradley infantry fighting vehicles by Russian forces.

Within days, as Ukrainian forces moved to seize three villages from Russia in the eastern Donetsk region, 16 Bradley aircraft were lost. More losses followed later as the fighting intensified.

The loss of the Bradleys occurred when Ukraine conducted one of the most treacherous and complex military maneuvers known as Operation Breakout. These operations, which involve breaking the enemy’s defenses, are considered among the most dangerous and complex military tactics.

To make matters worse, these breakthrough operations were carried out with ineffective artillery fire and without air support. The Bradley family’s sensitivity has increased due to these circumstances, resulting in loss and damage.

The Bradley Fighting Vehicle moves on tracks rather than wheels, and is designed to carry up to ten soldiers into combat and provide fire support. The 28-ton, three-crew M-2s inflicted far more damage than they suffered, protecting Ukrainian forces from artillery, mines and missiles while simultaneously attacking Russian vehicles and infantry with their deadly 25 mm automatic cannons. However, many were destroyed or damaged beyond repair in the process, as this junkyard video shows.

Independent analysis can confirm that the 47th Brigade has lost 31 M-2s in the six months since it saw combat. According to reports, 30 Bradley IFVs were destroyed, and at least one was captured by Russian forces.

In addition, at least 31 buildings were damaged to varying degrees. It is not immediately clear what Ukraine wants to do with the damaged infantry fighting vehicles parked in the scrapyard.

As Forbes explained in a Recent reportA broken M-2 is usually repairable unless it explodes or burns to melt. After engineers tow it off the battlefield, they either ship it by rail to Poland for more extensive repairs or send it to the 47th Brigade’s engine complex for emergency repairs. Vehicles that cannot be repaired are written off and may serve as a supply of spare components for vehicles that can be repaired.

The latest video of the junkyard emerged days after a news clip aired on Russian television showing a Bradley captured in action. The television program raised fears that Russian engineers would access and seize advanced American technology. However, military commentators were quick to dismiss the move as mere propaganda.

Bradley’s Cemetery! New video shows dozens of US-origin M2A2s “resting in peace” in Ukraine » Today Latest Stories

Bradley is a force to be reckoned with, despite the losses

Bradley’s heavy losses are mostly attributed to poor military tactics and underestimation of strategists rather than the ability of this war machine.

For example, in response to a video of recently damaged IFVs posted, a Ukrainian soldier who was part of the summer fighting noted that the concentration of damaged IFVs masked the M-2’s impressive design and reactive armor additions, which contributed to its longevity.

One Ukrainian veteran who fought during the M-2’s toughest battle was quoted as saying: “Bradley has withstood everything.”

Bradley IFV

Moreover, after the video spread on social media, pro-Russian netizens mocked the machines provided by the United States. In contrast, pro-Ukrainian netizens highlighted its capabilities, with many pointing to images of one-on-one battles where the American machine triumphed over the Russian machines.

One such close encounter between a Ukrainian M2A2 ODS Bradley infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) and its Soviet counterpart, a BMP, was filmed by a Ukrainian drone camera. The video begins with the Bradley M242 Bushmaster automatic cannon firing M792 25 mm (1 in) high explosive and incendiary shells.

When the shells hit nearby trees and ground, a number of them exploded prematurely. However, several small explosions appeared when it struck the exterior of the BMP. The stunned BMP crew released the vehicle after 15 seconds of gunfire, first emerging from the trees and then driving away from the approaching Bradley.

In addition, the Ukrainian soldiers who launched the counterattack in June went so far as to say that these vehicles Save their lives. Serhiy and Andriy, two Ukrainian soldiers from the 47th Brigade, told ABC News that if Bradley had not rescued them and their crew during an early counterattack battle in which they were being hit by attack drones, heavy-caliber artillery and mines, they would have killed them. He wouldn’t be alive today.

“We were hit several times,” Bradley’s driver Andre said. “Thanks to that, I’m standing here now. If we were using some Soviet armored personnel carrier, we’d probably all be dead after the first hit. It’s a perfect vehicle.”


A self-motivated and hard-working individual, I am currently engaged in the field of digital marketing to pursue my passion of writing and strategising. I have been awarded an MSc in Marketing and Strategy with Distinction by the University of Warwick with a special focus in Mobile Marketing. On the other hand, I have earned my undergraduate degrees in Liberal Education and Business Administration from FLAME University with a specialisation in Marketing and Psychology.

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